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The Best Ecommerce Platform & Solutions for Industrial and Manufacturing

Shopping preferences for industrial and manufacturing customers have changed over the years – shifting from physical catalogs to online marketplaces. B2B buyers are spending more time online to compare before committing, and studies show most prefer online marketplaces that prioritize digital channels. Early and aggressive adopters of industrial ecommerce will gain major competitive advantages and win market share.

Everything You Need To Sell Industrial Goods Online

Industrial & Manufacturing Companies We Work With
A Versatile Ecommerce Platform

Scale Your Manufacturing & Industrial
Online Sales with BigCommerce

If you engage in ecommerce for manufacturing, you already know company structures and buyer requirements are complex. Thus, your B2B ecommerce technology must be central to your sales and marketing strategy, align with existing processes, and accommodate future needs. 

Websites for manufacturers must combine the right technology to streamline inventory and order management while delivering the intuitive shopping experience and convenience customers demand. From websites with thousands of SKUs to industry-specific ecommerce websites, we’ve worked with hundreds of manufacturing and industrial clients to build online stores that get results. 

IntuitSolutions is a leading provider of ecommerce solutions for industrial and manufacturing businesses, from those just starting their journey online to thriving multi-million dollar enterprises. We know the ins and outs of what you need to build and maintain a successful online destination for industry professionals, contractors, and do-it-yourselfers.

Read on to find out more about our custom solutions for the manufacturing industry.

Why Industrial Manufacturers Choose
BigCommerce for their Ecommerce Solution

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BigCommerce is unequivocally the best ecommerce platform for manufacturing and industrial businesses selling online – especially if you consider our seamless integrations of custom software like Ebizio Checkout

IntuitSolutions’ easy-to-use, quick-to-install custom software is only possible on BigCommerce because of key decisions the platform practices to put their online store owners on a higher pedestal.

Keep reading below to learn more about BigCommerce and our custom ecommerce solutions.

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Man Smiling in Blue Shirt Against Background showing BigCommerce merchant dashboard

B2B & Wholesale Solutions

Large catalogs, negotiated pricing, and multiple tiers of buyers are just some of the things that drive B2B ecommerce complexity for industrial and manufacturing businesses. Cater to your B2B and Wholesale customers and enhance your sales team’s effectiveness by leveraging our powerful B2B functionality. With advanced payment options, shared shopping lists and buy-again capabilities, customers can buy from you, their way.

  • Custom Pricing and Customer Groups
  • Quick Reorder Capabilities
  • Quote Management
  • Bulk Ordering
  • Conditional Content
  • ERP/CRM Integrations
  • Much More!
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Male sales rep in button down blue shirt in warehouse setting looking at tablet discussing with man in hardhat and industrial wear
Proven Solutions

Powerful apps and customizations to help
manufacturing businesses succeed online

woman in manufacturing setting wearing hat working on machine
Special Product Fees

Customize Product Fees for Online Sales

The Product Fees Manager is a flexible application that allows online businesses to assign custom fees on products that may require additional customization options or surcharges. Apply to any product or group of products in your BigCommerce store.

For example, a manufacturer of industrial fasteners wants to give customers the option for shipping protection, so they add a “delivery insurance” option at checkout for an added fee. With the Product Fees Manager, merchants can apply a flat or percentage-based fee to relevant products, and shoppers can toggle on and off the fees before checkout.

Ebizio Checkout

Create a Dynamic, Custom Checkout Experience

Enabled by the BigCommerce Open Source Checkout, IntuitSolutions has built powerful new features to the standard checkout to help industrial businesses succeed. From shipping and taxes to subscription billing, IntuitSolutions’ custom software provides BigCommerce store owners with the confidence they need to sell more online. Apply custom styles and content to create more engaging interaction between your brand and customers or streamline processes for unique business models, including B2B and Wholesaling.

  • Ship on Account
  • Purchase Orders
  • Shipping and Payment Rules by Customer
  • Text and Style Editor
  • Custom Fees and Taxes
Ebizio Checkout logo on laptop mockup

Build and Grow Your Business Online with IntuitSolutions

Our experts are ready to field your questions, learn more about your business, and find a solution that’s right for you. Contact us now to get started!

  • 100% US-Based Team
  • Certified Elite BigCommerce Partner since 2012
  • We Work Exclusively on BigCommerce
  • Custom BigCommerce Solutions
  • Entry to Enterprise Level Services
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