Cartridge World

One of the UK’s largest specialist providers of printer inks and laser toner printer cartridges.

Desktop in modern office setting with homepage on screen
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Health & Beauty

We were asked by Pure Pro to migrate their existing BigCommerce store from the antiquated Blueprint framework to the new Stencil framework. Working closely with the Pure Pro team, IntuitSolutions designed, developed and launched a custom BigCommerce Stencil theme on We then implemented custom add-ons to enhance the UX.

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A Custom BigCommerce Redesign

The Design

A fully-responsive design on BigCommerce, staying true to the established Cartridge World brand.


What We Did

General Services
  • Custom Theme Design
  • Custom Theme Development
  • Site Optimization and Support
Custom Features
  • Slide-Out Menu Design
  • Include/Exclude VAT Feature
  • “Add-to-Cart” Without Leaving Page
  • Ebizio Checkout Enhancements
  • Upsell Add-Ons
  • Mobile-Responsive
  • Cornerstone "Base Theme"
  • ThemeBridge Staging
  • Optimized Site Performance and Page Speed

Their Story: Cartridge World

As one of the UK’s premier suppliers of printer inks and laser toner cartridges, Cartridge World caters to a diverse clientele ranging from businesses and government entities to educational institutions and individual home users.

Renowned for their reputation for high quality, competitive pricing, and reliable customer service, Cartridge World has evolved into global organization with over 600 stores worldwide.

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Person in long sleeve pink and blue checkered dress shirt changing printer ink
Mobile phone on marble table with cart page on screen next to laptop and earbuds

The Challenge: Modernizing a BigCommerce Store with Underlying Site Health Issues

As Cartridge World expanded its global reach, the demand for a more modern and scalable online store became evident. However, the company encountered obstacles during the transition to a pre-built theme. Our development team conducted a comprehensive health audit, uncovering critical deficiencies in code and architecture, which led to performance issues and limitations on future growth.

In response, Cartridge World sought the expertise of our BigCommerce design and development experts to develop a custom solution. This strategic pivot aimed to rejuvenate their online presence while navigating the complexities of their outdated codebase.  

The Solution: Custom BigCommerce Design and Development on the Latest Cornerstone Theme

Leveraging the flexibility of the BigCommerce Cornerstone-based Stencil theme, our team created a bespoke design that surpassed the limitations of off-the-shelf solutions. By harnessing the BigCommerce platform's modern and powerful features, we seamlessly integrated custom functionality and design elements tailored specifically to Cartridge World's requirements.

Our BigCommerce developers have dedicated hundreds of hours to optimizing our theme for Page Load Speed, Accessibility, SEO, and faster updates.

Key ITS Base Theme Improvements Include:

  • Significant Upgrades to Web Accessibility
  • Optimized 404 Page & Crawler Instructions for Google
  • Improved ‘Quick Search’ Results
  • Informational Product Page Tabs
  • Additional Rich Snippet Schema Markup
  • Much more
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Woman on tablet holding stylus with Homepage on Screen
BigCommerce Redesign

The Process

Discovery & Design

A creative and collaborative process to produce a design tailored to fit their existing company branding.


Best-in-class custom BigCommerce theme development, custom systems integrations, and third-party app integrations.


Rigorous browser and device testing. A collaboration with trusted partners to deliver a full enterprise solution.

Launch & Support

A coordinated launch to complete the redesign process, followed up with post launch audits and ongoing support.

A Closer Look

Site Customizations & Enhancements

Some highlights of the unique solutions we implemented for their new BigCommerce store.

Enhanced Slide-Out Menu

A fresh slide-out menu design elevates the user experience by offering an intuitive presentation of product categories in a space-saving layout that enables customers to find their desired products faster.

Laptop Mockup showing slide-out menu for
Mockup on Tablet showing Exclude/Include VAT button on

Include/Exclude VAT Button

A custom-developed feature adds a new layer of transparency for product pricing, allowing customers to seamlessly manage Value Added Tax (VAT) visibility. With a simple toggle button, users can choose to include or exclude VAT as they browse.

Cart Page Upsell

Upsell and cross-sell features are revenue-generating staples on the world's biggest ecommerce sites. With the Cart Page Upsell add-on for BigCommerce, Cartridge World customers can view and select additional related products right from the cart page.

Cart Page for showing "You May Also Like" Section at Top of Page - BigCommerce Add to Cart Upsell Add-on
Ebizio Checkout Implementation for Purchase Order Module and Customer Payment Restrictions - Showing Purchase Order Option at Checkout

Customer Group Payment Restrictions and Purchase Order Functionality

The Customer Group Payment Rules Module of Ebizio Checkout App allows pre-approved customers to access otherwise hidden Payment Methods. Paired with the Purchase Order Module, Cartridge World can allow only selected customer segments to pay by Purchase Order at checkout.

“Add to Cart” While Staying On Page

Cartridge World now enables customers to add items to their cart without being redirected from their current page. The uninterrupted browsing experience helps keep shoppers fully engaged and ready to explore additional products.

Custom Feature for Cartridge World Keeping Customer on Current Page When Clicking "Add to Basket"

"Without great partners like IntuitSolutions, BigCommerce would not be where it is today."

Dan Fertig - BigCommerce VP of Partnerships


The Results: A Dynamic Online Platform Positioned for Lasting Success

By leveraging the BigCommerce platform and implementing a strategic redesign on the Cornerstone theme, we were able to transform into a modern, high-performing ecommerce destination. Through a combination of enhanced aesthetics, optimized code, and improved functionality, the redesigned website has achieved significant improvements in user experience and performance, positioning them for continued success in the competitive online marketplace.

Considering a Launch or Redesign of Your Online Store? We Can Help.

Looking to start or redesign your online store? Are you considering migrating to BigCommerce from another platform?We’re an experienced team of Elite BigCommerce experts ready to help your business succeed online. Send us a message or call us at 866-901-4650 for a free consultation to discuss your project.

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