Customer Group Payment Rules on BigCommerce

BigCommerce Payment Rules

In previous posts, we have explored the form, function, and application of various modules of the Ebizio Checkout App. We have presented dynamic solutions for Purchase Ordering, Shipping on Account, and Shipping Method Restrictions

In this post we will dive deeper into another module, the Customer Group Payment Restrictions Module. This Ebizio module will enable merchants on the BigCommerce platform to restrict access to particular payment methods at checkout.

What are Payment Method Restrictions

Last week we looked at Shipping Method Restrictions on BigCommerce, and Payment Method Rules / Restrictions follow a similar blueprint. 

BigCommerce merchants can easily assign specific Payment Methods (such as PO, Credit Card, COD, etc) to pre-approved customers via the native Customer Groups feature of BC. This is a required function for a lot of businesses, as they do not want to make some terms available to all customers. Using this module, not only can you offer a Purchase Order solution, but you can provide different segments of customers different terms (NET30 / NET45 / NET60).

Watch the video above for more details on the Customer Group Payment Rules Module.

What Does the Payment Methods Rules Module Do?

Let’s say that you are a merchant operating a business on BigCommerce that is both Business-To-Business (B2B) and Business-To-Consumer (B2C). You want to create an ideal shopping experience for your customers, but you naturally have to treat your B2B and B2C customers differently to provide that ideal experience.

screenshot of payment methods

With native BigCommerce functionality, it is possible to create Customer Groups, and assign different pricing to those groups. That’s the first hurdle – offering the right products for the right price to the right customers. But once your customer has logged in, viewed products, and built a cart, they now must proceed to a native checkout process that offers ALL payment methods, regardless of what type of customer is purchasing. 

By default, customers that are not in an assigned group (your average B2C or retail customer), can be shown only basic payment method choices such as Credit Card, Amazon Pay, and PayPal. You want all customers of your store to have these basic options because you are happy to accept those automated forms of payment immediately as part of the checkout. 

screenshot of payment methods

The Ebizio Checkout App, and the Customer Group Payment Method Rules Module, will allow you to easily assign additional payment methods to specific customer groups. When a wholesale or B2B customer builds their cart and proceeds to checkout, they will now see additional Terms payment options that are not available to the average shopper. They can still pay with Credit Card, or they can select an option such as Purchase Order, with NET60 terms. 

How Does It Work?

With this module, merchants can map any number of Payment Methods to any number of Customer Groups. This allows for an incredibly flexible solution, creating a bespoke checkout experience for each Customer Group. It is additionally possible to use ‘partial match’ customer groups, so assigning a new payment method across all ‘wholesale’ groups can be as simple as keywording your Customer Group names. 

screenshot of group shipping restrictions options

Once you have created your Payment Methods and mapped them to their respective Customer Groups, simply save the changes, and they will be reflected directly in the BigCommerce checkout. 

Working Within the BigCommerce Settings

As with each of the other Ebizio Checkout modules, we have developed this solution to leverage as much of the native BigCommerce software as possible. Merchants will still manage payment methods and customer groups directly from BigCommerce, meaning that customer support and documentation provided by BigCommerce will still be available and accurate. And future updates to configuration will be simple and straightforward to implement.

Security is Our Number 1 Priority

We’ve written about the safety and reliability of the Ebizio checkout app in prior posts, but it bears covering again when discussing payment solutions for your ecommerce site. By developing and implementing a BigCommerce approved checkout app, we have contained all customization within a closed environment, and maintained 100% of the security of a standard BigCommerce checkout. With full PCI Compliance, you and your customers can rest assured that transactions are safe and secure.

Most checkout applications that add this type of functionality actually replace the ecommerce platform’s checkout experience. This can be unreliable, and is not as secure. The Ebizio Checkout App adds to the existing BigCommerce checkout, so customers never leave your website when making a purchase.

Working with Other Ebizio Modules

The Payment Method Rules module pairs seamlessly with the Purchase Order module of the Ebizio Checkout to provide merchants with a full-circle solution for accepting Purchase Orders via BigCommerce. By limiting the PO payment option to only pre-approved customers, merchants will save time and effort for their customer service and sales teams.

Additional Functionality and Features

Does your business model have additional checkout requirements? IntuitSolutions is the industry leader for checkout solutions on BigCommerce, with 8 years of specialization in ecommerce specifically on the BigCommerce platform. We can accommodate for additional rules and restrictions based on almost any defined criteria. Give us a call today to talk to a solutions-oriented consultant to help define your needs, and implement a solution on your site quickly and efficiently.

Getting Started with Ebizio Checkout

The Ebizio Checkout is FREE to download directly from the BigCommerce App Store. Each Module has its own monthly subscription, empowering the merchant to choose a configuration that fits their budget and business model. 

Click HERE to visit the BigCommerce app store and download today, or please give us a call directly at 1-866-590-4650 to speak with a sales representative about the App.

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