Mobile Page Speed Test For Ecommerce Sites

Mobile Page Speed

See How Your Page Speed Stacks Up To Your Competitors

On the heels of an early 2018 announcement that page speed would become a ranking factor on mobile, Google has rolled out a new tool dedicated to helping ecommerce merchants measure and quantify their mobile page speed.

Not only does the new tool measure your page load speed, it allows you to input the URLs of your competitors so you can see how you measure up to them. It also has an “impact calculator” that shows you the potential revenue impact of increasing mobile speed  – basically, how much more money you could make if your site’s mobile experience was faster.

Check out the new tool here!

Google's Speed Score Feature
The Speed Scorecard ranks you and your competitors by mobile page speed, showing you who comes out on top.
Potential Revenue Calculator
The Impact Calculator lets you input data from Analytics and uses a slider to show exactly how much potential revenue you could earn with every second shaved off load time.

Why Mobile Experience Matters

The rollout of this new tool is part of the search engine giant’s initiative to make the web more mobile-friendly. Over half of all Google searches come already come from mobile devices and that number is only expected to grow. Google wants to incentivize webmasters to create better mobile experiences to prevent sites from lagging behind user behavior.

So why is Google focusing on page speed in particular?

Page speed problems are worse on mobile.Cell phones and tablets have less processing power than computers, which means they’ll always be somewhat slower. If your desktop site is slow, it will be impossible to use on mobile.

Mobile speed affects conversions. The relationship between page speed and conversion rate is well-documented and exists on both desktop and mobile. And, since mobile browsers are more likely to be slow, mobile shoppers are more likely to abandon because of page speed issues.

Mobile commerce is growing. Mobile sales are already a third of the market and that number gets bigger every year. As “m-commerce” takes over, the merchants who will succeed are those who provide innovative and user-friendly mobile experiences.

Want To Improve Mobile Speed For BigCommerce?

Impressed by the numbers you saw on the Potential Revenue Impact calculator? IntuitSolutions works with BigCommerce merchants to optimize mobile experience and increase page speed across the board. Talk to us to find an upgrade that’s right for your business like:

Ready to win over mobile customers? Call us today at (866) 590-4650!

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