Supercharge Your Holiday Conversion Rate With These BigCommerce Upgrades

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Is Your BigCommerce Site Ready For Your Busiest Season?

You may be able to wait for Black Friday and Cyber Monday to do your own holiday shopping. But when it comes to your ecommerce business, prepping for the holiday rush starts now.

Last year, holiday spending on ecommerce sites grew by 3.6 percent, with consumer web sales regularly topping over $1 billion a day during peak shopping season. Experts expect those numbers to jump even higher this year, which leads us to the question – can your BigCommerce store handle it?

If you’re not sure, or if you’ve been putting off having work done on your site, now’s the time to contact us to get it done before the holidays. And if you’re bracing for a big rush but not sure where to start, here are three great upgrades to boost conversion rates during this crucial time.

Streamline The Purchase Pipeline With One Page Checkout

To get your share of those holiday dollars, your customers need to make it all the way through the purchase pipeline. Nothing’s more frustrating than seeing your exit rate soar during checkout but, if your checkout process is too convoluted, it’s bound to happen.

IntuitSolution’s One Page Checkout is the solution to that problem. It improves on BigCommerce’s out-of-the-box checkout feature by pulling all the checkout fields to a single page. Customers can review their order, provide their information, and pay for their purchase, all without leaving the page or scrolling excessively. It’s also customizable, fully responsive, and can be implemented without taking your existing store offline.

Optimize Your Site For Mobile

If your site isn’t optimized for mobile, you’re missing out on some serious business. Forbes reports that 30 percent of web retail sales came from mobile sites during last year’s holiday season and that number is only expected to rise. The bottom line is: if it’s not easy for your customers to buy from their phones, many of them won’t buy at all.

IntuitSolutions can make your site mobile-friendly. From fully responsive site redesigns to site customizations that work on any device, we’ll give you what you need to make sure you don’t lose any of those holiday shoppers.

Prep For Next Year By Upgrading to Stencil

We’ve already touched on the details of why, but upgrading from the Blueprint BigCommerce framework to the Stencil framework can massively improve your site’s performance and rankings. And, since Blueprint is being phased out, you’ll definitely need Stencil for next year.

Fortunately, Stencil is a true upgrade: it’s 15 percent faster than Blueprint and shaves nearly a full second off your load time. The relationship between page speed and conversion rate is well documented and, for harried holiday shoppers, that single second of load time could be the difference between a bounce and a sale.

Stencil’s code is also optimized for SEO, which means just having the framework makes you more likely to show up above your competitors during an organic Google search. Overall, it’s a win: upgrading to Stencil is one of the best gifts you can give yourself as a BigCommerce merchant.

Whatever’s On Your Wishlist!

Need something else for your BigCommerce site? Have a wishlist you’ve been holding out on? No problem. Reach out to us now so we can accommodate you before our own holiday rush.

Call Us Today To Get Your Site Ready For The Holidays

Ready for your easiest and most profitable holiday season yet? Then give us a call at 866-843-4650 today!

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