SEO Benefits of Responsive Design

A diagram illustrating responsive web design concepts. The text "desktop," "tablet," and "mobile" appears at the top, representing different screen sizes. Below this are sections labeled "header," "overlay," "image," and "media."

Convert More Sales on BigCommerce

Window Blind Outlet became discouraged by the static layout of their BigCommerce site. Desiring a better-looking site that converted more sales, they enlisted the help of IntuitSolutions to redesign their site and bring their business into the modern age.

Their initial site design wasn’t necessarily off putting, but it didn’t reflect the polish that Window Blind Outlet wanted for their web presence. On one hand, they weren’t exactly sure what they wanted the finished product to look like, but they were able to provide some examples of sites they had an affinity for and things we might be able to use.

At IntuitSolutions, you don’t have to be some kind of expert in the minutiae of e-commerce to work with us (that’s our job!); we pride ourselves on being able to communicate with you to create a satisfying solution.

Making Your Site Beautiful

It may seem counterintuitive, but a redesign can actually help your site from the outside in by redirecting your attention to visual cues for good site structure.

Things like heading tags and cleaning up sections of the page that aren’t used can help your site be crawled by search engines more effectively, and also increase your page load speeds.

For Window Blind Outlet, we cleaned up their code, fixed their site hierarchy and heading tags, and speeded up their page load, mostly by focusing on making their site clean, responsive, and future-proof. By focusing on the core usability facets of your site, things like organic SEO, conversion rate, page speed, and increased sales can fall right into place because of how we approach the process. Your site is in good hands with us.

Custom Popups for Product Pages

Window Blind Outlet wanted to cut down on their returns over sizing issues, so IntuitSolutions included an easy measuring tool button available on all product pages. A popup shows how to measure your window for correct size ordering. Since implementation, Window Blind Outlet has enjoyed lower returns and have raised their sales.

Better Design Means Results You Can See

While it may seem like aesthetic changes are only for your site’s visual appeal, the true beauty is far more than skin deep!

When your site is designed with intention, purpose and thought, not only is your site more attractive to your visitors, but you begin to see benefits beyond what ends up on their screen. IntuitSolutions approaches every project, big or small, with a similar scope: to use best practices to improve your site. This means your site’s hierarchy is coded in a cleaner way, which is more helpful to Google ranking. Your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) will improve because of better heading tags. Better design, and especially responsive design, future-proofs your site so that as the way we use the web evolves over time, your website will not fall behind or appear outdated.

Don’t really know what you want for your BigCommerce site except for it to look and function better? Working with IntuitSolutions means that you’re working with the best, and we can help you see real results. Call us today at 866-590-4650 to find out more.

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