– A BigCommerce Site Optimization Success Story

adult and child hands meeting together with small gift box with blue ribbon

As ecommerce evolves, the demands on online retailers increase. Simply having an attractive website is no longer sufficient for online success: a high-performing ecommerce site requires a robust technical foundation and a seamless user experience., a premier destination for Christian-based personalized gifts, recognized the need to elevate their website to meet modern standards. However, they faced several technical challenges that hindered their online growth and user experience.

Discover the journey of and how our tailored technical SEO solutions transformed their online presence.

The Challenge: Increasing Site Health Scores

With roots dating back to 1965, is now among the largest religious and inspirational goods retailers in the United States. Looking to reach a wider market for shoppers looking for unique gifts, they needed their BigCommerce store to operate at peak performance.

To assess the website’s performance, our team utilized Google’s Lighthouse Performance Score, which provides a comprehensive rating from 0 to 100. This score evaluates several critical metrics, including load time, visual stability, and adherence to SEO best practices, offering a more detailed view of the overall user experience.

Lighthouse Scoring Calculator from Google

Key challenges identified for the IntuitSolutions team to tackle included:

  • Improving Poor Site Health Scores: had an initial Lighthouse Performance score of 22 out of 100, indicating significant issues.

  • Optimizing Images: Unoptimized images can drastically slow down page load times and impact Core Web Vitals, negatively impacting the user experience and SEO.

  • Removing or Deferring Scripts: Excessive or poorly managed scripts can hinder site performance, leading to longer load times and a less responsive interface.

  • Fixing Major Site Errors: Technical issues such as broken links and missing pages can prevent search engines from fully indexing the website, harming both SEO and user engagement.

Lighthouse Performance score of 22 before BigCommerce optimization work
Lighthouse Score Before Optimization Showing Site Health Improvement

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The Solution: Finding and Resolving Outstanding Technical SEO Issues

IntuitSolutions diagnosed and addressed these technical SEO challenges for with a comprehensive site health optimization strategy—ultimately improving their Lighthouse Score from 22 to 96*. The solution included the following key actions:

  • Improving Site Health Scores: We conducted a detailed audit to identify and address issues lowering the Lighthouse Performance score, enhancing the overall site health and performance.

  • Optimizing Images: Advanced techniques such as compressing images and ensuring proper scaling were implemented to improve page load times and user experience.

  • Removing or Deferring Scripts: We analyzed and prioritized scripts, removing unnecessary ones and deferring non-essential scripts, thereby improving load times and responsiveness.

  • Fixing Major Site Errors: Technical errors like broken links and missing pages were resolved, improving accessibility for users and search engines, and enhancing SEO performance.
Lighthouse Performance score of 96 after BigCommerce optimization work
Lighthouse Score After Optimization Showing Site Health Improvement

*While this health score improvement is impressive, please note that results will vary. Several unique factors influence the extent of improvement for each website.

Continuing Online Growth with a BigCommerce Optimization and Support Retainer continues their partnership with IntuitSolutions through a BigCommerce Optimization and Support retainer, ensuring their digital investment continues to yield long-term results. This ongoing collaboration allows them to prioritize the most impactful improvements and help their site thrive in the ever-evolving online marketplace.

We understand that each client’s business is unique, so IntuitSolutions’ retainer plans are entirely flexible based on specific needs. Typical services include:

  • Design Modifications and Feature Enhancements (User Experience)
  • Custom Development Requests
  • Technical SEO Support
  • Routine Site Health Maintenance (e.g., backups, bug fixes, security updates)
  • Core Web Vitals and Page Load Speed Optimization
  • Web Accessibility Remediation and Improvements
  • Strategic Ecommerce Consulting

Choose the Trusted BigCommerce SEO Optimization Experts to Enhance Your Site Performance

Ready to achieve outstanding results for your BigCommerce site? Our Elite BigCommerce developers are here to help you start making more money on BigCommerce by taking control of your site’s technical performance. 

Get started with a no-obligation site performance audit and live consultation with one of our ecommerce experts. Call us at 866-901-4650 or contact us here.

Complimentary Performance Audit

Get a live consultation on the technical factors impacting your website's speed and performance.

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