Atlas RFID

A global leader in enterprise RFID tracking systems & barcoding solutions.

businesswoman on laptop with on screen
A Custom BigCommerce Redesign

The Design

Full-site enhancements boosting site performance while preserving Atlas RFID's established brand.


What We Did

General Services
  • Custom Theme Design
  • Custom Theme Development
Custom Features
  • Migration & Optimization of Current Add-ons
  • Customized Mega Menu
  • Blog Page Enhancements
  • Custom-styled Category Page Menus
  • Enhanced Product Options
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Page Speed Improvements
  • Custom UX Enhancements
  • "Base Theme"
  • ThemeBridge Staging

Their Story

Since 2008, Atlas RFID has been a globally trusted source for RFID (Radio Frequency ID) components, including hardware, tags, readers, and printers. From amusement parks to Silicon Valley giants, the ecommerce retailer provides a one-stop shop for RFID and barcode tracking solutions for companies across industries building cost-effective systems and applications.

A market leader providing customers with quality products and unparalleled service, Atlas RFID recognized the need for custom-developed enhancements to take its user experience to the next level.

  • Animated Figure
Atlas RFID Team open on laptop

The Challenge

With their previous site built on an older third-party BigCommerce theme, Atlas RFID began to notice several areas that needed improvement. Their old site lacked a solid code foundation, compromising site functionality and the ability to deliver more robust, intuitive features.

Goals for the new site included:

  • Optimize site for page load speed 
  • Improve customizations and page load speed with GraphQL 
  • Integrate refactored Upsell Suite to increase revenue

Serving a clientele that includes more than half of Fortune 100 companies, Atlas RFID needed a website that could cater to the demands of top-tier customers, delivering impressive performance without compromising visual aesthetics. 

The Solution

To create a website that would stand out in the competitive ecommerce tech industry, our team planned and implemented a full suite of custom solutions that delivered a feature-rich, intuitive user experience, complete with all the modern upgrades needed to stay ahead of the curve.

The new design maintained relative consistency with the prior site but introduced several performance enhancements to bolster engagement and conversions.

The Solution for Atlas included:

  • Animated Figure
Desktop view of open with blog page on screen
BigCommerce Redesign

The Process

Discovery & Design

A creative and collaborative process to produce a design tailored to fit their existing company branding.


Best-in-class custom BigCommerce theme development, custom systems integrations, and third-party app integrations.


Rigorous browser and device testing. A collaboration with trusted partners to deliver a full enterprise solution.

Launch & Support

A coordinated launch to complete the redesign process, followed up with post launch audits and ongoing support.

A Closer Look

Site Customizations & Enhancements

Some highlights of the unique solutions we implemented for their new BigCommerce store.

Enhanced Upselling/Cross Selling Add-Ons

To further enhance the shopping experience, our team re-implemented Frequently Bought Together and Add to Cart Upsell, two advanced upselling and cross-selling add-ons for BigCommerce. These powerful tools enable Atlas RFID's customers to make informed purchasing decisions and discover complementary products they might not have considered otherwise.

Our team utilized GraphQL to optimize the functionality and performance of these add-ons, a faster and more efficient method of fetching large amounts of product data.

Frequently Bought Together Add-on for
Add-to-Cart Upsell Add-on for

Custom Mega Menu Design

Atlas RFID wanted something that stood out from the standard menu design found on most ecommerce websites, so we delivered a custom-developed Mega Menu for BigCommerce

With more visual CTAs and better use of space, the Mega Menu not only looks great, but enhances the user experience by providing lightning-fast navigation, even with large media and images.

Custom Mega Menu for Insider blog page

Custom Blog Page Enhancements

To keep content fresh and easily accessible, we implemented significant enhancements to the RFID Insider blog page. Our team developed a customized blog category navigation with easy-to-navigate columns, allowing customers to narrow down their content search quickly.

Integrating the Searchenise app for BigCommerce, our team implemented a custom search functionality that helps customers see content results for blog posts only, excluding product results that usually come with default search functionality. 

"Without great partners like IntuitSolutions, BigCommerce would not be where it is today."

Dan Fertig - BigCommerce VP of Partnerships


The Results

In an age when speed and convenience power growth, online stores will continue to look for faster, more creative solutions to boost revenue and gain long-term loyalty. 

With a modern trifecta of design, speed, and functionality, Atlas RFID is poised to maintain its leading position in RFID solutions and continue winning over a global audience.

Are you in the market for a brand new BigCommerce store design, looking to migrate from another platform, or need to refresh your current site? We’re an Elite BigCommerce Partner Web Design Company ready to help you take your online store to the next level of growth.

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