Microservices for BigCommerce: A Closer Look at Suitability and Alternatives

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Introduction: Microservices and Your Ecommerce Website

Microservices-based architecture is becoming an ecommerce buzzword for efficiency and scalability. Unlike traditional monolithic structures, microservices allow your website to operate through a serverless, decoupled collection of services, each dedicated to a specific function. This architecture echoes the principles of composable commerce, which we’ll explore in a future article.

However, microservices are not a one-size-fits-all solution. They shine in many scenarios but might falter in others, especially when the business needs are deeply integrated or holistic. For such cases, BigCommerce Custom Integrations might be the ideal solution. Read on to learn why.

Why Some Ecommerce Sellers Look to Integrate Microservices

Microservices break the code into independent services that run as separate processes, each capable of being developed, deployed, and scaled independently. This approach offers several benefits:

  • Concurrent development: Multiple teams can work simultaneously on different services, speeding up the development process.
  • Independent deployability: Updates or improvements to one service can be deployed without affecting the entire system.
  • Easier maintenance and faster time to market: Smaller codebases are easier to manage and quicker to update.
  • Scalability: Specific services can be scaled based on demand, without the need to scale the entire application.
  • Flexibility in technology choices: Teams can choose the best tools for each specific task, optimizing performance and efficiency.

Here are some examples of microservices in action.

When Microservices Don’t Fit the Bill

Despite their advantages, microservices are not always the right choice. They may not be suitable when:

  • Integrating with legacy systems: Older systems without modern REST endpoints can complicate the separation into microservices.
  • Complex internal processes: Businesses with intricate processes might require a more unified approach to manage information flows effectively.
  • Holistic solutions are needed: Some scenarios require comprehensive, integrated handling rather than segmented tasks.

While microservices excel at handling straightforward, repeatable tasks, they might not fully address complex, multi-part processes.

Contact BigCommerce Integration Experts - IntuitSolutions

If you’re contemplating how best to enhance your BigCommerce setup, whether through microservices or custom integrations, consult with our experts. We’re a BigCommerce development company specializing in advising, designing, and developing tailor-made solutions that align perfectly with your business needs.

Need a custom integration or advice on your architecture? Contact IntuitSolutions today and harness the full potential of your ecommerce platform.

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