SAP and BigCommerce: Providing a Custom ERP Integration with BigCore Technology

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When it comes to enhancing operational capabilities, BigCommerce merchants frequently choose to connect their online store with SAP, a leading force in ERP technology. Our team’s vast knowledge and experience with ERP integrations provide merchants with a tailored experience connecting their BigCommerce stores, considering the unique intricacies specific to their systems.

In this article, we discuss options for connecting SAP and BigCommerce, common integration challenges, and present a solution to mitigate these issues—highlighting a client’s recent experience.

SAP Integrations for BigCommerce

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Options for Connecting SAP with BigCommerce

Connecting your ERP system with BigCommerce can be achieved by connecting data that’s cloud-based, on-premise, or both. There are several methods for integrating an ERP with your ecommerce platform. The most common include:

  • Integration Platform as a Service (IPaaS)
  • Point-to-point integration
  • Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
  • Custom integration

Common Challenges with SAP and Ecommerce Integrations

Integrating an ERP system with an ecommerce platform is notoriously complex. When two systems are designed independently of each other, their structures, data formats, and communication methods can be vastly different. While no two ERP integrations are the same, common challenges include:

  • Lack of skilled developer/integration partner
  • Integration with legacy systems
  • Ability to scale for data flow requirements
  • Time limitations
  • Data incompatibility
  • System downtime
  • Server reliability

So, how do you find the best solution for your business? A promising first step is finding a dedicated BigCommerce development agency that’s experienced with ERP integrations and has vetted solutions for common hurdles.

Client Success Story: A Custom SAP and BigCommerce Integration with BigCore Technology

North Shore Commercial Door is a growing D2C and D2B ecommerce merchant who needed to connect their existing SAP Business One system with BigCommerce. While they initially explored pre-configured applications to bridge their BigCommerce storefront, they found such solutions inadequate for their specific requirements. This is a common situation for many clients we meet.

The solution for North Shore included a custom integration with SAP Business One via the following processes:

  • Using custom middleware built on IntuitSolutions BigCore technology, SAP was the source of truth for product data, passing that to Jasper PIM for enrichment and channel management
  • This automated the order submission from BigCommerce into SAP via the middleware, with status updates and shipping details flowing back into the store

The integration also kept the door open for adding additional Direct to Consumer as well as Business to Business BigCommerce stores over time. 

SAP Integrations for BigCommerce

Say goodbye to technical roadblocks. Experience an SAP integration without the headaches.

Connecting BigCommerce with Other ERP Platforms

While SAP Business One was the ERP system required by North Shore, BigCore simplifies connections to a range of other ERP platforms. These include:

Choose the Trusted BigCommerce Experts for Your SAP Integration

Integrating ERP with BigCommerce is a custom journey for each online store. Given the spectrum of choices and unique challenges, entrusting the complex work to just anyone can pose a serious risk for your business. 

Save time and gain peace of mind by working with BigCommerce integration experts. We do it right the first time.

Call us at 866-901-4650 or submit your project requirements here.

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