Increase Search Traffic – Get A Design Optimized for BigCommerce

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A Site Redesign can Drastically Increase Your Search Traffic

A few months ago, we finished design and development work for one of our clients, Interior Place. With an updated color scheme and a responsive layout, the redesign for the site was set to increase usability and give Interior Place a fresh, new look. The launch was successful, and the client was completely satisfied with our work. After a few months of the new design being live, we decided to check in and see how well it was going and if they were getting any increased traffic.

Using Best Practices in the Improved Design

While developing the new design, we made sure to use best practices for web design. This included semantic HTML, making sure the H1 tags on each page were accurate, getting fresh content on the homepage regularly, and keeping the code as clean and lean as possible. The new design increased usability with stronger calls to action and more intuitive navigation.

Interior Place before redesign Interior Place after redesign

SEO Optimization and Good Design go Hand in Hand

A few days ago, we decided to check in and see how our design was doing. Now that it’s been active for the past several months, we have enough data to get a good analysis of any traffic changes. We took a look at‘s data* on the past year of organic search traffic for the site, and there’s a strong, steady rise after our redesign went live (the blue line in the chart below is the organic search traffic). How does a simple redesign change search engine traffic that much? Well, a good site design that’s coded with web best practices is easier for search engines to read and understand. This means that search engines are able to accurately match your site to the terms people are using in their search queries. In addition, making your navigation as intuitive as possible means that shoppers are more easily able to get to the products they want. Other changes, like stronger calls to action and clean, simple design, means that shoppers will spend more time on your site instead of getting frustrated with not knowing what to click on.

interiorplace redesign SEO improvement

Redesign Your Site with IntuitSolutions Today

Give us a call and have us take a look at your site. We’d be happy to look at your data and see how we can best optimize your site for search engine traffic with a custom redesign. Contact us today!

**Note: This search engine traffic is publicly available data. We respect our clients, and we would never release confidential information without their expressed permission.

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