Build your Page’s rank with Guest Blog Posts

Increasing Revenue from your eCommerce Site

As we know, content is king; and will Google’s latest major algorithm revision, nothing will do more for a site’s ranking than a good amount of quality content.

There are several communities popping up all around the internet with the purpose of connecting various Blogs with various Authors (or Bloggers). Usually these exchanges work as follows: you’d request a post for your site and what kind of article you’d like to have written and an author will contact you with the opportunity. What do they get out of it? More content on the internet written by them- indexed by a meta author tag. Author tags are something that is really starting to get rolling with the help of GooglePlus, a way in which an author’s work around the web can be cataloged and shared.

Often times these authors will request that there be a link back to their website on the blog posting, on which the article will appear with a link back to the site it was written for. Reciprocal Linking has never been easier! Going forward, Google is starting to make rich snippets (for example blog articles) a part of Search Result listings. The latest or most relevant posting can appear right under the large link to the Site’s title. This just goes to show how much relevance is getting placed on quality blog articles.

Google search results

Don’t have a blog? We’d be happy to seamlessly integrate a Word Press blog into your website’s framework, no matter what the platform. Visit our WordPress Plug-in page and get the benefits of a fully integrated blog on your web site!

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