Google PANDA 4.0 – Content is still King

Google PANDA 4.0 – Content is still King

Google rolled out PANDA 4.0 early this week. The latest algorithm is designed to prevent sites with low quality content from ranking high in search results. PANDA 4.0 is the latest in the series of Google Algorithm updates aimed at improving search results from search queries. PANDA 4.0 is expected to affect approximately 7.5% of search queries on Google (English searches).

In SEO, content is King and and the recent Google updates including Panda 4.0 and PayDay loan 2.0 all strive to give users the best experience when they conduct search queries. A big part of our SEO strategy is editing content and adding relevant content for our clients and building a sensible content structure for our clients. We encourage all our clients to keep adding and submitting relevant content that is useful for their target audience.

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