Durafast Label’s BigCommerce Design and Development

With the increasing popularity of BigCommerce, we’re finding more and more people coming to us looking not to perform a migration, but just overhaul their current BigCommerce store to have a much more unique, modern appearance. DuraFast Label Company is one of those companies!

DuraFast Label Company Before BigCommerce Redesign:

Old durafastlabel.com bigcommerce website before redesign

As you can see, the old DuraFast Label site was a fairly standard BigCommerce theme without much customization or branding involved. From talking with DuraFast, we realized they were looking for a simple, minimalist style site that looked more modern and pushed their brand forward.

After the redesign and development:

durafastlabel.com bigcommerce website after redesign

We started by going through their logo and picking out the color scheme for the site. Blue and gray are the prominent colors in the logo, so we used those the most. We then added touches of pink and yellow throughout the site in the form of highlighted text and design elements.

We then set out the site using ‘flat’ design trends, leaning away from gradients and focusing on the content rather than the design itself.

Our customer liked the design and development and is working toward pushing the brand image onto their other sites!

If you’re looking for someone to redesign your BigCommerce store or design/develop a brand new one, get in touch with us today!

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