Case Study: BigCommerce Stencil Framework Design + Development

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Stencil Design on BigCommerce Sites

IntuitSolutions developed‘s design on the new BigCommerce Stencil engine. We were able to take their new and modern designs, and build them using modern development practices. In doing this, we created a robust ecommerce theme that is focused on speed, accessibility, and the best in modern SEO practices.

Custom Search Bar on Stencil Framework

Often, our team of expert BigCommerce designers works with the client’s vision to build an experience for them that accents their brand and provides an intuitive experience. Sometimes, though, a client will come to us with an exact plan for their ideal design. This can occasionally be a pain point, if the designer assumes a functionality that can’t be accomplished on the BigCommerce framework, and a large revision process can be needed.

Fortunately, with the new BigCommerce Stencil framework, developers have much more freedom when developing to meet the desires and demands of our clients. In this case, Print Save Repeat wanted their user experience to be focused around a custom Search Bar.

Custom BigCommerce Stencil Search Bar
Custom Stencil Search Bar for

Not only were we able to build out the search functionality that accurately narrows and finds products, but we were able to display the results inline. From any given page, a user could easily find items that are compatible with their printer, and immediately view them.

This was paramount to our client’s desired shopping experience. Since they sell remanufactured toner cartridges, it was important to first build trust in their affordability and reliability of their products. Allowing users to easily search and view items from the same pages that map out their manufacturing and testing processes was key. Their jump in conversions is a testament to this approach.

If we had to leverage the previous-generation BigCommerce Blueprint theming agent, this would not have been possible. We would have had to take a step back and rethink the entire design, as well as the user’s experience.

360-Degree Product View Customization

We implemented some other great design tweaks, like a sticky header section, a modern-themed homepage, and a custom products page. Being the Stencil “pioneers” we are, we massaged the Stencil framework to be able to load a different template for the product pages based on a custom field. We were able to deliver for our client by using custom fields to determine what “template” will be used on a per-product basis.

PrintSaveRepeat also wanted to implement a dynamic 360-degree view of products. We were able to do this, allowing the client to control what’s displayed on a product-by-product basis.

“Being the Stencil pioneers we are, we massaged the Stencil framework to be able to load a different template for the product pages based on a custom field.”– Aaron Nowlen, Designer, IntuitSolutions

BigCommerce Makes It Easy

Sure, it’s great to include all that custom work, but there’s no way it could also be responsive, lightweight or SEO-friendly, right? WRONG! These are three basic principles that we apply to every design we make. If we can’t make it fit these three, there’s a good chance it’s not worth doing. In the case of PrintSaveRepeat, we were able to keep their code super-light, while being responsive for mobile devices and friendly to SEO search engines.

Their site was already on BigCommerce, but being able to make these changes to their site really put them over the top, and BigCommerce Stencil made it a smooth transition to apply the new template and features.

Lay Your Site Out with Stencil from BigCommerce

Ready to try out Stencil and see what it can do for your site? Call the experts at IntuitSolutions at 866.590.4650 or drop us a message below!

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