Technical SEO

Explore our expert insights on Technical SEO for BigCommerce stores. Learn how to optimize your site's infrastructure, improve search engine rankings, and drive more organic traffic and conversions.

Soap, Candle, and Loofa
BigCommerce Case Studies

Having such a unique blend of history and style, Baudelaire needed a design that emphasized the very craftsmanship at the heart of their company. This reimagining would require a great deal of custom functionality and a sleek UX experience to match.

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BigCommerce Web Design

Case Study: How Design Changes Affect SEO

Improving Google Compliance For Mark D. Hauser is a Philadelphia-based defense attorney who has worked IntuitSolutions’ marketing team for several years. Recently, we gave Hauser’s website a design upgrade

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5 Little Things That Hurt SEO
Digital Marketing

5 Little Things That Hurt SEO

Tips To Improve BigCommerce SEO Ecommerce SEO can feel impossible to wrap your head around. Google’s algorithm changes constantly and no one knows exactly what it’s looking for. How can

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SEO Foundations For BigCommerce
Digital Marketing

SEO Foundations For BigCommerce

  Want Your SEO Strategy To Work? Do These Things First The blogosphere is full of no shortage of SEO tips, tricks, and hacks. But the best strategy in the

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