Benefits of Switching To BigCommerce

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Migrate To BigCommerce To Get Ahead

In ecommerce, you need to be be moving forward to get ahead. Whether it’s a Google algorithm update or the latest user experience research, you need an innovative mindset to stay competitive.

A big part of this is picking the right platform. Merchants on self-hosted platforms like Magento are familiar with the challenges and headaches they can bring. So which platform provides the flexibility and security you need to meet ever-changing web standards?

At IntuitSolutions, our answer is always the same: BigCommerce.

“We evaluated platforms very carefully before settling on BigCommerce,” said IntuitSolutions CEO Brian Antczak. “We feel not only that it has the best native features but that it’s the platform that most consistently strives to improve and innovate.”

That future-facing attitude is the reason we recommend BigCommerce to businesses that want to grow and innovate. Read on for some of the latest updates from our preferred ecommerce platform.

“BigCommerce is the platform that most consistently strives to improve and innovate.” -Brian Antczak, CEO of IntuitSolutions

Superior Performance From BigCommerce Stencil

One example of BigCommerce’s commitment to improvement and innovation is their launch of Stencil, the code base (called a framework) that each site is built on.

BigCommerce Stencil is a modern framework that meets the performance standards of today. It drastically reduces loading time, thanks to its modern streamlined code. It’s also mobile-friendly and, because of its code base, will improve your SEO.

In fact, in a comparison test analyzing both Stencil and Blueprint, we found the following metrics:

Image shows The Blueprint site, with slower loading time and more requests to server
The Blueprint site, with slower loading time and more requests to server
Image of The Stencil site shows significantly better performance.
The Stencil site shows significantly better performance.

Stencil is faster and makes fewer requests on the server. Crucially, the Stencil site loads in less than two seconds – which is important because three seconds is considered the upper limit of load time before customers start abandoning.

Read more about our Stencil metrics test.

Investing In Technology With Google AMP

BigCommerce made headlines when they announced they would become the first ecommerce platform to provide native support for Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). AMP are stripped-down, super-fast versions of the pages on your site that appear in little boxes above organic search results. They are part of Google’s preferred strategy for optimizing for mobile.

AMP, now supported natively by BigCommerce, are an innovative and cutting-edge way to optimize your site for mobile.

While AMP have long been popular amongst publishers who wanted their content to appear at the top of Google, more ecommerce sites have adopted them in recent years, including giants like Ebay and Alibaba Express. Now, thanks to the native integration, all BigCommerce merchants now have the option to turn on AMP right from the Control Panel. It’s an innovative and cutting-edge way to optimize your site for mobile.

Read More About BigCommerce’s AMP Announcement

Growing With the B2B Market

What’s the future of ecommerce? B2B. For a long time, many in the industry thought that B2B businesses were too niche to thrive in an ecommerce space. But recent years have proven that logic wrong. B2B ecommerce spending is growing at a pace twice that of B2C spending and, by 2019, the B2B ecommerce market will be valued at over twice that of B2C.

B2B ecommerce spending is growing twice as fast as B2C spending.

However, translating B2B to the ecommerce space can be challenging. That’s why you need a great platform: one that gives you the flexibility to both support your business practices and give your customers a great user experience.

We work with BigCommerce merchants who sell B2B and recommend the platform wholeheartedly for this business model. BigCommerce offers a number of competitive advantages for B2B, including:

  • Better native capabilities for customer segmentation (Customer Groups)
  • More flexibility with payment methods
  • Capability to develop conditional content (show and hide Products, Categories, Pricing, or Payment/Shipping options based on who’s looking)
  • Great API supports integrations with ERP, Accounting, and CRM systems
  • Better base code makes it easier to implement special customizations

These features make it easy for B2B ecommerce merchants to preserve business practices and existing relationships while offering the consumerized experience typically associated with B2C sites.

To sell B2B online, you need an ecommerce platform with the flexibility to support your business practices and give customers a great user experience.

Read a detailed rundown of why BigCommerce is best for B2B.

Migrate to BigCommerce – Get On The Ecommerce Platform Of The Future

Ready to get on BigCommerce? We can migrate your site from any platform – without tanking your SEO. Call us today at (866) 590-4650 for a free consultation about how to get on BigCommerce!

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