Product Video Thumbnails

A computer screen displaying a video player and a folder icon.

Product Videos Greatly Help Conversion Rates sells parts, tools, and supplies for watchmakers and jewelers. They have videos for lots of their products to help explain how to use them, so they wanted to make sure their product page videos were easy to find and watch. Recent studies show that customers who watch a product video are 1.7 times more likely to make a purchase than those who just read a text description, so this was very important to them. With BigCommerce, they were easily able to add in videos to their product pages, but the default area for the videos to appear was pretty far down the page. They came to us to add in a small customization that would move their product videos to the same area as their product images, and increase usability. They wanted to bring their videos above the fold without disrupting the flow of the page.

Move Product Videos to Display with Product Images

IntuitSolutions was able to build functionality for Esslinger’s BigCommerce store that determines if a video has been added in to their product pages, and if so, we add a custom “Video” thumbnail to the beginning of the product image thumbnails. Here’s an example: Video Thumbnail

When clicked, this video thumbnail brings up a pop-up window that automatically plays the video. Video Pop-up playing

Improve on BigCommerce’s Features

We also made sure the video thumbnail doesn’t interfere with their other regular product images or how they function. This customization is fully responsive and helps improve the user experience across all browsers and devices. While this change was a small detail, it can have a large impact. Customers retain much more information from watching a video than they do from just reading text, so Esslinger is now able to leverage their great content to make sure customers have the best information before buying.

If you’re interested in adding this customization to your BigCommerce store, contact us today!

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