Everythingtruckparts.com and BigCommerce

In October of 2012 we were approached by Tom Klock and Grant Eckert to create a site for their truck parts and supplies business. By the time they got in touch with us, they had already spoken with a variety of different providers and programming firms and had narrowed down their eCommerce platform of choice.

Because of our extensive eCommerce experience primarily with ProStores but also extending into Shopify, BigCommerce and other platforms, we were able to confidently suggest BigCommerce as the best platform for their needs. Tom and Grant were looking for a site with a design that doesn’t compete with their industries current designs, the ability to efficiently handle thousands of products, brand and category images among other things. BigCommerce fit the bill perfectly.

2 months of design and development later, Everythingtruckparts.com is the finished result.

We were able to deliver Tom and Grant a high quality BigCommerce site with moderate customization, Analytics tracking script installation, a professional design and semantic coding structure for around $5,000. Since going online, their conversion rates have held firm at around 4% and are seeing a steady increase in business!

Tom and Grant were very pleased with the results:

“We engaged IntuitSolutions to design our new site. Not only did their team exceed expectations in every aspect, but they brought insight, experience, and recommendations that delivered a very high ROI. They were highly responsive and went above and beyond. Great job!”

Everythingtruckparts.com is a perfect example of why BigCommerce is such a powerful and popular platform. The code is clean, it’s easy to set up and easy to learn. Contact us to open a store on BigCommerce today!

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