Revamp to Ramp Up: Top 10 Signs Your BigCommerce Store Needs a Redesign

Person using a computer mouse and holding a credit card for online shopping.

Today’s discerning shoppers waste no time abandoning a website that doesn’t meet their standards. It’s reported that a staggering 90% of users will switch to a competitor’s site after a poor experience. Undoubtedly, the most successful ecommerce stores have one thing in common: they recognize the winds of change and adjust their sails promptly. 

From introducing the latest functionality to reimagining the user experience, redesigning your BigCommerce store gives you a fresh opportunity to revitalize your website into a powerful sales engine. But how do you determine if your site requires a few updates versus a complete overhaul?

In this post, we discuss the lifecycle of an ecommerce website design, differentiate a site “refresh” from a site “redesign,” and explore the top signals it’s time to fully revamp your BigCommerce store. Let’s get started.

The Lifecycle of Ecommerce Designs

Advances in technology quickly set new standards for consumer expectations; what was innovative a few years ago likely won’t hold the same impact today. Features that were once rare and over-the-top become status quo.

While most ecommerce experts agree on overhauling your online store every few years, it sometimes makes sense to “refresh” your site with minor modifications well before that time. Let’s examine the difference between a “refresh” and “redesign.”

person pointing pen at ecommerce shop screen - BigCommerce Redesign

To Refresh or Redesign Your BigCommerce Store: Determining Your Needs

Oftentimes, the terms “redesign” and “refresh” are used interchangeably, but they actually serve different purposes. You can think of a website “refresh” as giving your website a cosmetic facelift. A refresh involves updating visual elements like color schemes, typography, or making slight improvements to the user experience. It’s like giving your living space a fresh coat of paint or introducing new decor elements.

On the other hand, a website “redesign” is a comprehensive transformation. It involves rebuilding the entire site structure, layout, and functionality, similar to renovating your home from the ground up.

The first step in determining your redesign needs is digging deeper into the metrics that demonstrate how your site resonates with users.

Assessing User Experience and Site Performance Metrics

Remember, even the most visually stunning design falls short if it doesn’t provide what the user requires. Every ecommerce store owner should be acquainted with Google’s Core Web Vital Metrics, accessible via the Google Search Console. These scores assess three user experience (UX) components deemed critical by Google—loading, interactivity, and visual stability. Google Analytics and Hotjar, among several other tools, can provide valuable insights into user engagement by tracking data such as button clicks, page views, and other event-driven data.

woman smiling holding credit card and phone - BigCommerce redesign

Many of these tools highlight vital metrics that suggest the need for a change. Beyond the numbers, there are also several qualitative indicators. Let’s take a closer look at both.

Top 10 Signs It's Time for a BigCommerce Redesign

There are a multitude of reasons to redesign your ecommerce store. Below are the issues we see most often:

  1. Poor or Declining Conversion Rates: Growing sales are the lifeline to ecommerce longevity. If your store’s conversion rate is dropping or has been less than satisfactory for quite some time, it’s a glaring sign that your website design doesn’t resonate with shoppers, or something’s amiss in the user experience.

  2. High Bounce Rates: When visitors leave without engaging or moving to another page, it’s a significant red flag. This pattern can be attributed to design elements that fail to engage users, a confusing navigation, or a poor user experience.

  3. Not Mobile-Responsive: With more than half of online searches starting on a phone, a mobile-responsive ecommerce site is non-negotiable. Google also prioritizes mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor. If your site doesn’t render well on smartphones and tablets, you’re alienating a significant audience segment and jeopardizing the visibility of your site in search results.

  4. Outdated Theme: Older themes with dated code can compromise site security and functionality. Still operating on the Blueprint theme or an older version of Stencil? You’re missing out on the latest BigCommerce has to offer. Learn more about upgrading to the latest Stencil theme.

  5. Confusing Navigation: Customers will leave your website if they can’t quickly find what they’re looking for. Simple and intuitive navigation eliminates confusion, improves user experience, and directly impacts your sales success.
man in warehouse on laptop with pallets in background - BigCommerce redesign

Get a Complimentary Design Consultation

Get live expert guidance on which design changes will make the biggest impact for your online business.

  1. Slow Load Times: Rapid page load speed is more than a convenience factor. Slow loading pages diminish user experience, harms your SEO, and leads to site drop-offs. 

  2. Technology Changes: Ecommerce businesses must remain adaptable to shifting user expectations influenced by emerging technology, like varying screen sizes, evolving browser technologies, fluctuating search engine algorithms, and the impact of external applications.

  3. Your Brand Has Evolved: If your business undergoes a rebrand, shifts its target demographics, or pivots its core offerings, your website should reflect these changes. A website rebuild is often the best way to reintroduce your brand and ensure that your site resonates with the right audience.

  4. Competitors Have Leveled Up: If competitors’ sites look and function better than yours, it’s an indicator your business may be lagging behind. Investing in a comprehensive redesign ensures you stay at the forefront of your industry and top of mind for your target shoppers.

  5. Integration Issues: Whether integrating your existing ERP or connecting a new third-party technology, a smooth and reliable integration experience is paramount for frontend customers and backend users. A redesign ensures these connections are built right from the start.

Key Takeaways: Planning a BigCommerce Redesign for Impactful Results

For ecommerce merchants, today’s informed redesign choices are the foundation of tomorrow’s accelerated growth. A comprehensive redesign transcends routine updates—it’s a forward-thinking investment rooted in data and insights to secure long-term business success.

Want an expert opinion on how your site stacks up to competitors? Need guidance on what design changes will make the biggest impact for your online business? We’re an experienced BigCommerce web design agency that has helped hundreds of merchants transform their websites into dynamic sales engines.

Call us at 866-901-4650 or contact us for a no-obligation site consultation to get answers to all your questions.

Get a Complimentary Design Consultation

Get live expert guidance on which design changes will make the biggest impact for your online business.

Blog Post Author
Sarah joined IntuitSolutions in 2022 as a Marketing Manager where she focuses on content creation, social media, and digital marketing. In her free time, she loves to travel, study a new language, and explore nature around her.

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