Furbish Studio ProStores to BigCommerce Migration

Two laptops sitting on a desk or table. There is a green checkmark on the screen of each laptop. The laptops are likely showing successful data transfer or completion of a task

Furbish Studio has been a ProStores client of ours for several years. In October of 2012 however, they approached us with a need that wasn’t easily solved in ProStores. They had a strong, well established website but sold products both on their website and Amazon and therefore needed a robust way to standardize orders and inventory with their current instance of QuickBooks. While we were at it, they also wanted to update their design and move domains.

We did an extensive amount of research into a software that would integrate properly with an e-Commerce platform, Amazon and Quickbooks and discovered Webgility. Unfortunately Webgility does not integrate well with ProStores at all. We directed Furbish Studio to BigCommerce and began our work.

The process of a ProStores to BigCommerce migration is not simple and shouldn’t be taken lightly. No migration is truly easy, but migrating a well established site that has fairly high search engine result page ratings is even more difficult! The move must be very carefully planned and executed in order to not lose any traffic or SERP placement. This involves planning and writing redirects to prevent people from landing on 404 pages, keeping both sites up during the migration so there is no downtime and a lot more. To complicate things a bit further, their website was previously located at shopfurbish.com but they wanted to move sites to furbishstudio.com in order to re-brand their business in the process.

Not only do product names, descriptions and images need to be migrated properly, one must also look at the SKU’s, product options, product attributes, prices, shipping information and more! Getting each of these items moved over accurately is of utmost importance and hiring the wrong company to do so can drastically damage and even cripple your business.

After several months of careful planning and execution, we’re proud to play a part in the launch of Furbishstudio.com.

Before – Shopfurbish.com

screenshot of shopfurbish.com

After – Furbishstudio.com

screenshot of shopfurbish.com

3rd party software integration is yet another thing BigCommerce handles extremely well. From our experience, other e-Commerce platforms tend to not work smoothly (or at all) with most 3rd party software but BigCommerce tends to plays nice with them out of the box. Contact us today to migrate your store to BigCommerce!

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